
Forensic Challenges Writeups | Nahamcon CTF 2023

We, bER4bb1t$ team, are glad to secure the 7th with tie on the 6th rank with TCP1P team in nahamcon CTF 2023, actually our team did a great stuff. Here’re our writeups for forensics challenges. Perfectly Infected (Easy, 604 Solves) Ever had to deal with dirty files? No more! Our patented technology will make your files sparkling clean! Sample i...

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URSA Minor Cryptography Challenge | BlackHat MEA 2022

Hi Crypto Folks, This is writeup for Crypto Challege “URSA Minor” from BlackHat MEA 2022 CTF, it was really a great CTF, my team got the 28th place and qualified to join final round in KSA. Level: Easy. Category: Cryptography - RSA. A fast exploration for the code, you will find the flag is saved into environment variable called “FLAG” on th...

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Randomness Cryptograpgy challenge | ASCWG CTF 2022

It’s an amazing and awesome experience to join CTF competitions, it’s honor to participate in Arab Cyber Security Waregame 2022. This’s a quick walkthrough of “Randomness” cryptogrpahy challenge we’ve solved. I was amazed by the level an ideas of the challenges, by the author Ahmed Sayed @Y4mm1. Level: Medium Points: 600 Category: Cryptography...

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Nested Virtualization in KVM hypervisior | Install Hyper-V Role on Windows Server 2019 guest VM hosted through KVM-QEMU

Recently, I’ve decided to understand Windows Server Capabilities, Roles and Features by setting up my own Home Lab. I’ve interest to know more about clustering and migrations techniques, so I was to install Hyper-V role on my guest Windows Server 2019, but failed with this prompted message: Host specs: CPU: amd ryzen 5 3600 OS: arch Linu...

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Flare-on v1 challenge 7 hints

It was a cool experience, I enjoyed trying to solve these challenges and gaining new methodologies. The Last challenge was slightly annoying, so I got hints from “Matt Graeber’s” solution and it was really an awesome approach. Challenge 7 solution: It’s an PE file containing a series of 14 types of anti-debugging, anit-VM, network checks and o...

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Flash challenge at Arab Wargames chamnpionship 2019

It was a great honor to participate in Arab Cyber Wargames championship 2019 in Egypt. Honestly, my team did a great work, especially in the last hour. The style of challenges, the first 4 hours was Jeopardy challenges, then they proceeded to lanuch attack-defence machines. This’s a write-up of IOT challenge called “Flash”. After downloading...

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Memory segmentation in protected mode

Firsly, memory segmentation in protected mode is divided into two parts; segmentation and paging. We will handle the segmentation part in this article. First, we have to know what is the protected mode in CPU, and the differences between the real and protected mode. Real Mode In old days, real mode was based on 8086 & 8088 processors, in IB...

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